The Littlest Angel
Based on one of the top fifteen best-selling children’s books ever, “The Littlest Angel” follows the journey of a young boy who finds himself in heaven earlier than expected. Feeling homesick and isolated, he embarks on a journey back to Earth with his loyal dog, Halo, to find a truly selfless and invaluable gift for Baby Jesus. Discover the warmth, humor, and enchantment of this beloved children’s tale. Adapted from Charles Tazewell’s classic book, this story comes to life in the CGI animated film, “The Littlest Angel.”
Director: Dave Kim
Actors: Caleb Wolfe, Clarity Patton, Ed Kelly, Nina Kircher, Ron Perlman
Country: United States of America
Company: Cinepix Animation, Great Highway Company, Portsmouth Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $37,273