The Legend of Hercules
In this 2014 action-adventure film directed by Renny Harlin, the story follows the mythical hero as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. The protagonist, played by Kellan Lutz, is torn between his love for a princess and his destiny as a legendary warrior. The film explores themes of betrayal, love, and heroism set against the backdrop of ancient Greece. While it did not receive any notable awards, it features impressive battle sequences and special effects. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Renny Harlin
Actors: Gaia Weiss, Johnathon Schaech, Kellan Lutz, Kenneth Cranham, Liam Garrigan, Liam McIntyre, Luke Newberry, Rade Serbedzija, Roxanne McKee, Scott Adkins
Country: Bulgaria, Germany, United States of America
Company: Millennium Films, Nu Boyana Film Studios, Summit Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $61,279,452