The Legend of Hallowaiian
In this animated adventure, three young friends in Hawaii accidentally unleash a mythical monster during their Halloween festivities. As they race against time to save their island, they encounter various challenges and learn the importance of courage and friendship. The film features the voices of stars such as Vanessa Williams and Tia Carrere. Directed by Sean Patrick O’Reilly, this family-friendly movie offers a unique blend of Hawaiian culture and Halloween fun. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Sean Patrick O'Reilly
Actors: Dumisile Owane, Erick Dickens, Kiefer O'Reilly, Mark Dacascos, Mark Hamill, Noah Schnapp, Page Feldman, Teilor Grubbs, Tia Carrere, Vanessa Williams
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Arcana Studio, Fresh Baked FIlms, SC Films International
Worldwide Gross: $53,738