The Laureate
Set amidst the dazzling scene of Britain’s vibrant 1920s, “The Laureate” chronicles the life of young British War Poet Robert Graves. Already married with four children, Graves embarks on a romantic relationship with American writer Laura Riding. Challenging societal norms, Riding moves in with Graves and his wife, forming a ménage à trois. The dynamic shifts further with the entrance of the dashing Irish poet Geoffrey Phibbs, evolving into a ménage à quatre. However, escalating tensions and rivalries soon lead to a situation where Graves finds himself accused of attempted murder.
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Director: William Nunez
Actors: Christien Anholt, Dianna Agron, Fra Fee, Indica Watson, Julian Glover, Laura Haddock, Meriel Hinsching, Patricia Hodge, Timothy Renouf, Tom Hughes
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Bohemia Media, Deya Productions, Fluidity Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,192