The Last Witness
Set in post-World War II England, this gripping historical drama follows an ambitious young journalist, Stephen Underwood, as he uncovers a dark conspiracy involving the mass murder of Polish officers by Soviet forces. The film stars Alex Pettyfer, Robert Wieckiewicz, and Talulah Riley, delivering compelling performances that bring this chilling story to life. Directed by Piotr Szkopiak, the movie delves into themes of truth, justice, and the moral complexities of war. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it offers a poignant exploration of a lesser-known historical event. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Crime, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Piotr Szkopiak
Actors: Alex Pettyfer, Chris Walker, Colin Buchanan, Gwilym Lee, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Michael Byrne, Michael Gambon, Piotr Stramowski, Robert Więckiewicz, Talulah Riley
Country: Poland, United Kingdom
Company: Dignity Film Finance, Vicarious Productions, Vicarious Productions Limited
Worldwide Gross: $3,058