The King of the Streets
Yue Feng, portrayed by Yue Song, is a young street fighter with remarkable combat skills. Relentless in his quest to conquer all opponents, his life takes a dark turn when he accidentally kills a rival and ends up in prison. After serving an eight-year sentence, Yue Feng emerges as a transformed individual, seeking a life of tranquility and purpose, having renounced violence. However, the harsh realities of street life make redemption a difficult path. With his brotherhood shattered, family members slain, and a loved one disgraced, Yue Feng is compelled to harness his formidable abilities once more, this time in pursuit of justice.
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Genre: Action
Actors: Hou Xu, Kang En, Li Chang-Hai, Li Yu-Fei, Yang Jian-Ping, Yang Jianping, Yang Jun, Yang Jun-Ping, Yue Song
Country: China