The Jungle Book 2
In this animated sequel, Mowgli finds himself torn between the jungle and the village life he has come to know. As he navigates his dual existence, familiar characters like Baloo and Shere Khan return, bringing both camaraderie and conflict. The film features the voices of John Goodman and Haley Joel Osment, adding depth to the beloved characters. Directed by Steve Trenbirth, this continuation of the classic tale explores themes of belonging and identity. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Steve Trenbirth
Actors: Bob Joles, Connor Funk, Haley Joel Osment, Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings, John Goodman, John Rhys-Davies, Mae Whitman, Phil Collins, Tony Jay
Country: Australia, France, United States of America
Company: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Disney Television Animation, Disneytoon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Australia, Walt Disney Animation France S.A., Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $186,303,759