The Jade Pendant
Set against the backdrop of 19th-century America, this film follows the journey of a young Chinese woman who flees an arranged marriage and finds herself in the midst of the Los Angeles Chinatown massacre of 1871. The narrative intertwines themes of love, cultural conflict, and survival, offering a poignant look at a turbulent period in history. The movie features performances by Clara Lee and Godfrey Gao, adding depth to its historical drama. Directed by Po-Chih Leong, it provides a compelling exploration of identity and resilience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama, History, Western
Director: Po-Chih Leong
Actors: Brian Yang, Chen Tang, Clara Lee, Godfrey Gao, Mark Boone Junior, Nina Wu, Russell Wong, Sue Wong, Tsai Chin, Tzi Ma
Country: Hong Kong, United States of America
Company: Lotus Entertainment