The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
In this comedic tale, two childhood friends rise to fame as a successful Las Vegas magic act, only to find their partnership strained by the arrival of a daring street magician. As their popularity wanes, they must rediscover their love for magic to reclaim their place in the spotlight. The film features a star-studded cast, including Steve Carell, Steve Buscemi, and Jim Carrey, who bring their comedic talents to the forefront. Directed by Don Scardino, the movie offers a humorous look at the world of magic and showmanship. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Comedy
Director: Don Scardino
Actors: Alan Arkin, James Gandolfini, Jay Mohr, Jim Carrey, Luke Vanek, Mason Cook, Michael Herbig, Olivia Wilde, Steve Buscemi, Steve Carell
Country: United States of America
Company: BenderSpink, Carousel Productions (II), New Line Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $27,437,881