The Illusionist
Set in the enchanting world of turn-of-the-century Vienna, this film follows the mysterious and talented illusionist Eisenheim, played by Edward Norton, as he captivates audiences with his extraordinary magic shows. His performances catch the attention of the ambitious Crown Prince Leopold, portrayed by Rufus Sewell, and rekindle a forbidden romance with his childhood love, Sophie, played by Jessica Biel. As Eisenheim’s illusions grow more elaborate, they challenge the boundaries between reality and fantasy, leading to a tense confrontation with the authorities, including Inspector Uhl, played by Paul Giamatti. Directed by Neil Burger, the film is a visually stunning exploration of love, power, and the nature of reality. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Neil Burger
Actors: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Eddie Marsan, Edward Norton, Eleanor Tomlinson, Jake Wood, Jessica Biel, Karl Johnson, Paul Giamatti, Rufus Sewell, Tom Fisher
Country: Czech Republic, United States of America
Company: Bob Yari Productions, Bull's Eye Entertainment, Contagious Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $87,892,388