The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence
In this controversial horror film directed by Tom Six, the story follows Martin, a disturbed security guard who becomes obsessed with the first film in the series. He embarks on a gruesome quest to create his own human centipede, taking the concept to a more extreme and grotesque level. The film is known for its graphic content and has sparked significant debate among audiences and critics. Notably, it features Laurence R. Harvey in a chilling performance as Martin. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Tom Six
Actors: Ashlynn Yennie, Dan Burman, Daniel Jude Gennis, Dominic Borrelli, Georgia Goodrick, Kandace Caine, Laurence R. Harvey, Lee Nicholas Harris, Lucas Hansen, Maddi Black
Country: Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Six Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $170,323