The House Bunny
In this 2008 comedy directed by Fred Wolf, Anna Faris stars as Shelley, a former Playboy bunny who finds herself out of the mansion and in need of a new home. She stumbles upon a failing sorority house filled with socially awkward girls and takes on the challenge of transforming them into confident women. The film explores themes of self-discovery and empowerment with a humorous twist. Notably, the cast includes Emma Stone and Kat Dennings, adding to the film’s charm. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fred Wolf
Actors: Anna Faris, Beverly D'Angelo, Christopher McDonald, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone, Hugh Hefner, Kat Dennings, Katharine McPhee, Kiely Williams, Rumer Willis
Country: United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Happy Madison Productions, Relativity Media
Worldwide Gross: $70,439,696