The Hole
Directed by Joe Dante, this 2009 film follows the story of two brothers who discover a mysterious, seemingly bottomless hole in their basement after moving to a new town. As they explore the depths of the hole, they inadvertently unleash their darkest fears, which manifest in terrifying ways. The film stars Chris Massoglia, Haley Bennett, and Nathan Gamble, and is known for its blend of suspense and supernatural elements. While it didn’t receive major awards, it is noted for its effective use of 3D technology to enhance the horror experience. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Joe Dante
Actors: Bruce Dern, Chris Massoglia, Doug Chapman, Haley Bennett, John DeSantis, Mark Pawson, Nathan Gamble, Peter Shinkoda, Quinn Lord, Teri Polo
Country: United States of America
Company: BenderSpink, Bold Films, The Hole
Worldwide Gross: $10,457,002