The Harry Hill Movie
In this whimsical comedy directed by Steve Bendelack, the story follows the eccentric Harry Hill as he embarks on a chaotic road trip with his beloved pet hamster, who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The journey takes them across the UK, encountering a series of bizarre characters and surreal situations. The film features notable performances by Harry Hill himself, alongside Julie Walters and Matt Lucas, adding to its quirky charm. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the film is known for its unique blend of slapstick humor and absurdity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 17
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Steve Bendelack
Actors: Guillaume Delaunay, Harry Hill, Jim Broadbent, Johnny Vegas, Julian Barratt, Julie Walters, Marc Wootton, Matt Lucas, Sheridan Smith, Simon Bird
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Lucky Features
Worldwide Gross: $4,107,208