The Grudge 3
In this chilling continuation of the horror franchise, the curse of the vengeful spirits Kayako and Toshio spreads to a new apartment building in Chicago, bringing terror to its residents. The film follows a young woman named Naoko, who travels from Japan to stop the malevolent force that has claimed her family. Starring Johanna Braddy and Shawnee Smith, the movie delves deeper into the origins of the curse and its relentless pursuit of new victims. Directed by Toby Wilkins, this installment maintains the eerie atmosphere and suspenseful storytelling of its predecessors. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Toby Wilkins
Actors: Aiko Horiuchi, Beau Mirchoff, Emi Ikehata, Gil McKinney, Jadie-Rose Hobson, Johanna Braddy, Marina Sirtis, Matthew Knight, Shawnee Smith, Shimba Tsuchiya
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: BUFO, Ghost House Pictures, Stage 6 Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,869,127