The Good Heart
In this 2009 film directed by Dagur Kári, the story unfolds around the unlikely friendship between Jacques, a gruff bar owner played by Brian Cox, and Lucas, a young homeless man portrayed by Paul Dano. After a chance encounter, Jacques takes Lucas under his wing, offering him a job and a place to stay, leading to a transformative journey for both. The film explores themes of redemption and human connection with a blend of dark humor and poignant moments. While it didn’t receive major awards, the performances by Cox and Dano are noteworthy. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Dagur Kári
Actors: Bill Buell, Brian Cox, Clark Middleton, Damian Young, Daniel Raymont, Ed Wheeler, Edmund Lyndeck, Isild Le Besco, Paul Dano, Stephanie Szostak
Country: Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, United States of America
Company: Ex Nihilo, Forensic Films, Nimbus Film
Worldwide Gross: $346,851