The Golden Glove
Set in the gritty underbelly of 1970s Hamburg, this film follows the disturbing life of Fritz Honka, a disfigured serial killer who preys on women from the city’s red-light district. The narrative delves into the dark and unsettling atmosphere of the time, capturing the bleakness of Honka’s world with unflinching realism. Directed by Fatih Akin, the movie is a chilling exploration of a true crime story, brought to life by a haunting performance from Jonas Dassler. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it stands out for its raw portrayal of a notorious figure. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Fatih Akin
Actors: Greta Sophie Schmidt, Hark Bohm, Jonas Dassler, Katja Studt, Marc Hosemann, Margarethe Tiesel, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Max Hopp, Tristan Göbel, Uwe Rohde
Company: Bombero International, Pathé, Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany
Worldwide Gross: $604,479