The Fighting Preacher
Set in the early 20th century, this film follows the true story of Willard Bean, a former boxing champion who is called to serve a mission in Palmyra, New York, with his wife, Rebecca. As they face hostility from the local community due to their faith, the Beans strive to win over their neighbors with kindness and perseverance. Directed by T.C. Christensen, the movie highlights themes of resilience and compassion. Starring David McConnell and Cassidy Hubert, it offers a heartfelt portrayal of overcoming prejudice. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, History
Director: T.C. Christensen
Actors: Carrie Wrigley, Charley Boon, D.L. Walker, David McConnell, Joseph Skousen, Kenna Dawn, L.D. Weller, Olivia Willford, Sam Di Bello, Scarlett Hazen
Country: United States of America
Company: Remember Films
Worldwide Gross: $954,641