The F Word
In this romantic comedy directed by Michael Dowse, the story follows Wallace, played by Daniel Radcliffe, who forms a close friendship with Chantry, portrayed by Zoe Kazan. Despite their undeniable chemistry, the complication arises as Chantry is already in a long-term relationship, leading to a series of humorous and heartfelt situations as they navigate their feelings. The film explores themes of friendship, love, and the complexities of modern relationships. Notably, the movie was well-received for its witty dialogue and charming performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Dowse
Actors: Adam Driver, Daniel Radcliffe, Jemima Rooper, Lucius Hoyos, Mackenzie Davis, Megan Park, Meghan Heffern, Rafe Spall, Tommie-Amber Pirie, Zoe Kazan
Company: Caramel Film, Caramel Films, Fastnet Films, No Trace Camping
Worldwide Gross: $8,526,288