The Djinn
In this tense horror-thriller, a mute boy named Dylan Jacobs discovers a mysterious book in his new apartment that promises to grant his deepest desire. However, the wish comes with a terrifying cost, as he must survive a night against a sinister entity. The film is directed by David Charbonier and Justin Powell, who skillfully create an atmosphere of suspense and dread. Ezra Dewey delivers a compelling performance as Dylan, capturing the character’s vulnerability and determination. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Charbonier, Justin Douglas Powell
Actors: Collin Joe, Donald Pitts, Ezra Dewey, Isaiah Dell, Jilbert Daniel, John Erickson, Omaryus Luckett, Rob Brownstein, Tevy Poe
Country: United States of America
Company: Kinogo Pictures, Mad Descent, SVO Special Vehicle Operations
Worldwide Gross: $404,492