The Diary of a Teenage Girl
Set in 1970s San Francisco, this coming-of-age drama follows the life of a 15-year-old aspiring cartoonist named Minnie Goetze, portrayed by Bel Powley. The film explores Minnie’s journey of self-discovery and her complex relationship with her mother’s boyfriend, played by Alexander Skarsgård. Kristen Wiig stars as Minnie’s free-spirited mother, adding depth to the family dynamics. Directed by Marielle Heller, the movie is notable for its candid exploration of teenage sexuality and its unique blend of live-action and animation. While it didn’t win major awards, it received critical acclaim for its bold storytelling and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Marielle Heller
Actors: Abby Wait, Alexander Skarsgård, Austin Lyon, Bel Powley, Christopher Meloni, John Parsons, Kristen Wiig, Madeleine Waters, Margarita Levieva, Quinn Nagle
Country: United States of America
Company: Caviar, Caviar Films, Cold Iron Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,775,133