The Concubine
Set in the Joseon Dynasty, this historical drama weaves a tale of love, power, and betrayal. The story follows a young woman who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of palace intrigue as she navigates her role as a concubine. Starring Jo Yeo-jeong, Kim Dong-wook, and Kim Min-jun, the film is noted for its lush cinematography and intense performances. Directed by Kim Dae-seung, it explores themes of ambition and sacrifice. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama, History, Romance
Director: Kim Dae-seung
Actors: Ahn Suk-hwan, Cho Eun-ji, Cho Yeo-jeong, Hong Kyeong-yeon, Kim Dong-wook, Kim Min-jun, Lee Kyung-young, Oh Ji-hye, Park Cheol-min, Park Chul-min, Park Ji-young
Country: South Korea
Company: HwangKiSung Films, Lotte Entertainment, My Way Film Company Limited
Worldwide Gross: $16,465,764