The Commando
In this action-packed thriller directed by Asif Akbar, a DEA agent, played by Michael Jai White, returns home from a mission only to find his family in danger. The plot thickens as a group of criminals, led by Mickey Rourke, seeks to retrieve a hidden fortune within the agent’s house. The film explores themes of survival and justice as the protagonist must use his skills to protect his loved ones. While the movie has not received any notable awards, it features intense performances and gripping action sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Asif Akbar
Actors: Aris Mejias, Brendan Fehr, Cord Newman, Donald Cerrone, Gianni Capaldi, James Chalke, Jeff Fahey, John Enos III, Michael Jai White, Mickey Rourke
Country: United States of America
Company: Al Bravo Films, Avail Entertainment, BondIt Media Capital
Worldwide Gross: $30,988