The Comebacks
“The Comebacks” is a comedic film that parodies motivational sports dramas. It follows the journey of Lambeau Fields, a down-and-out coach, who is tasked with leading a group of unconventional college athletes to the football championships. Throughout this endeavor, Fields, who has always been seen as a failure, realizes his potential for success. He manages to turn his life around, mend his relationships with family and friends, and learns the true meaning of teamwork.
Views: 12
Director: Tom Brady
Actors: Brooke Nevin, Carl Weathers, David Koechner, George Back, Jesse Garcia, Matthew Lawrence, Melora Hardin, Nick Searcy, Noureen DeWulf, Robert Ri'chard
Country: United States of America
Company: Fox Atomic, Tapestry Films
Worldwide Gross: $13,539,154