The Collector
In this intense horror thriller, a desperate ex-convict named Arkin, played by Josh Stewart, plans a heist to repay a debt, only to find himself trapped in a house rigged with deadly traps by a sadistic intruder. The film is directed by Marcus Dunstan, known for his work in the horror genre. As Arkin struggles to survive and save the family inside, the tension escalates with each passing moment. This gripping tale of survival and terror can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Marcus Dunstan
Actors: Andrea Roth, Daniella Alonso, Diane Ayala Goldner, Haley Pullos, Josh Stewart, Juan Fernández, Karley Scott Collins, Madeline Zima, Michael Reilly Burke, Robert Wisdom
Country: United States of America
Company: Fortress Features, Imaginarium Entertainment Group, LD Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $10,234,475