The Cleaning Lady
In this psychological horror film directed by Jon Knautz, the story follows Alice, a woman struggling with a complicated personal life, who befriends her cleaning lady, Shelly. As their friendship develops, Alice discovers that Shelly harbors dark secrets and a troubled past, leading to unsettling consequences. The film stars Alexis Kendra and Rachel Alig, delivering compelling performances that drive the tension and suspense. This chilling narrative explores themes of obsession and trauma, making it a gripping watch for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Jon Knautz
Actors: Alexis Kendra, Carla Wynn, Elizabeth Sandy, JoAnne McGrath, Keri Marrone, Kim Marie Cooper, Mykayla Sohn, Rachel Alig, Robert Hugh Starr, Stelio Savante
Country: United States of America
Company: Olivargo
Worldwide Gross: $71,003