The Classic
In this poignant South Korean romance, the narrative unfolds through a series of letters and flashbacks, weaving together the love stories of two generations. The film stars Son Ye-jin in a dual role, showcasing her versatility and emotional depth. Directed by Jae-young Kwak, the movie beautifully captures the essence of timeless love and the impact of past relationships on the present. While it did not receive major awards, it is celebrated for its evocative storytelling and cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jae-young Kwak
Actors: Cho Seung-woo, Hyun Sook-hee, Jo In-sung, Kim Byeong-ok, Lee Joo-Eun, Lee Ki-woo, Lee Mi-sook, Lee Seung-cheol, Park Do-Yoo, Seo Young-hee, Son Ye-jin, Zo In-sung
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Egg Films
Worldwide Gross: $828,261