The Butterfly Room
In this chilling psychological thriller, an enigmatic and reclusive woman named Ann, portrayed by the legendary Barbara Steele, becomes entangled in a web of dark secrets and manipulation. The film delves into the sinister undercurrents of her seemingly mundane life, as her obsession with a room filled with butterflies unravels a haunting narrative. Directed by Jonathan Zarantonello, the movie features a strong supporting cast, including Heather Langenkamp and Ray Wise, adding depth to its eerie atmosphere. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its unique storyline and compelling performances make it a noteworthy watch. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jonathan Zarantonello
Actors: Adrienne King, Barbara Steele, Camille Keaton, Ellery Sprayberry, Erica Leerhsen, Heather Langenkamp, Jasmine Jessica Anthony, Julia Putnam, P.J. Soles, Ray Wise
Country: Italy, United States of America
Company: ACHAB Film, Emergency Exit Pictures, Wiseacre Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,081