The Boys in the Band
Set in 1968, this film revolves around a group of gay friends who gather for a birthday party in New York City, only for the evening to unravel when a surprise guest arrives. The ensemble cast includes notable actors such as Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, and Matt Bomer, who bring depth to their complex characters. Directed by Joe Mantello, the movie is a faithful adaptation of the groundbreaking play by Mart Crowley, exploring themes of identity, friendship, and societal pressures. Interestingly, the film features the same cast as the 2018 Broadway revival, which won the Tony Award for Best Revival of a Play. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Joe Mantello
Actors: Andrew Rannells, Brian Dole, Brian Hutchison, Charlie Carver, Jim Parsons, Matt Bomer, Michael Benjamin Washington, Robin de Jesús, Tuc Watkins, Zachary Quinto
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Netflix