The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Set during World War II, this poignant drama follows the unlikely friendship between Bruno, the young son of a Nazi commandant, and Shmuel, a Jewish boy imprisoned in a concentration camp. As Bruno explores his new surroundings, he discovers the camp and forms a bond with Shmuel, leading to a series of events that challenge his understanding of the world. The film stars Asa Butterfield and Jack Scanlon, delivering powerful performances that highlight the innocence of childhood amidst the horrors of war. Directed by Mark Herman, the movie offers a unique perspective on a dark chapter in history. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Director: Mark Herman
Actors: Amber Beattie, Asa Butterfield, Béla Fesztbaum, Cara Horgan, Charlie Baker, David Hayman, David Thewlis, Domonkos Németh, Gábor Harsai, Henry Kingsmill, Iván Verebély, Jack Scanlon, Jim Norton, Julia Papp, László Áron, Mihály Szabados, Richard Johnson, Rupert Friend, Sheila Hancock, Vera Farmiga, Zac Mattoon O'Brien, Zsolt Sáfár Kovács, Zsuzsa Holl
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, Bluebush Productions, Heyday Films, Miramax
Worldwide Gross: $40,416,563