The Boy
Set in the desolate backdrop of a remote motel, this film explores the unsettling journey of a young boy named Ted, who is left to his own devices by his neglectful father. As Ted’s isolation deepens, his fascination with death and destruction grows, leading him down a dark path. The film stars David Morse and Rainn Wilson, who deliver compelling performances that add depth to this chilling narrative. Directed by Craig William Macneill, the movie delves into themes of loneliness and the loss of innocence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Craig William Macneill
Actors: Aiden Lovekamp, Amalia Santa Maria, Andrés Echavarría, Bill Sage, David Morse, David Valencia, Jared Breeze, Mike Vogel, Rainn Wilson, Zuleikha Robinson
Country: United States of America
Company: Chiller Films, Contento Films, SpectreVision