The Bouquet
In this touching drama, two sisters who have grown apart due to their differences unexpectedly find themselves united in pursuit of a shared objective. Terri (Kristy Swanson), the ambitious one, and Mandy (Alberta Mayne), her idealistic sibling, have long maintained their distance from each other and their parents’ faltering flower shop. However, a heartbreaking incident draws them back home, where they realize the importance of relying on each other to preserve their family heritage. This charming tale, infused with romance, humor, and optimism, highlights the significance of cherishing loved ones.
Director: Anne Wheeler
Actors: Alberta Mayne, Daniel Bacon, Danny Glover, Ellie Harvie, Jeremy Guilbaut, Kelly Konno, Kristy Swanson, Michael Shanks, Nicola Cavendish, Stephen E. Miller
Country: Canada
Company: Bouquet Films, Nasser Group North, Nasser Group, North, NGN