The Beautiful Country
In this poignant drama directed by Hans Petter Moland, the story follows a young Vietnamese man named Binh as he embarks on a harrowing journey to find his estranged American father. The film explores themes of identity, belonging, and the search for family amidst the backdrop of post-war Vietnam and America. Featuring a compelling performance by Damien Nguyen, the narrative unfolds with emotional depth and authenticity. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Hans Petter Moland
Actors: Arthur J. Nascarella, Bai Ling, Chapman To, Chapman To Man-Chat, Damien Nguyen, John Hussey, Kirk Griffith, Nick Nolte, Temuera Morrison, Tim Roth
Country: Norway, United States of America
Company: Dinamo Story, Nordisk Film & TV-Fond, Sunflower Productions
Worldwide Gross: $878,325