The Bad Guys
In this animated heist comedy, a group of notorious animal criminals, led by the charismatic Mr. Wolf, attempts to reform their ways after a lifetime of legendary heists. The ensemble cast features the voices of Sam Rockwell, Awkwafina, and Marc Maron, bringing to life a story filled with humor and unexpected twists. Directed by Pierre Perifel, the film explores themes of redemption and friendship in a vibrant, action-packed setting. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 25
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Crime, Family
Director: Pierre Perifel
Actors: Alex Borstein, Anthony Ramos, Awkwafina, Barbara Goodson, Craig Robinson, Lilly Singh, Marc Maron, Richard Ayoade, Sam Rockwell, Zazie Beetz
Country: Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: dentsu, DreamWorks Animation, Scholastic Entertainment, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $250,387,888