The Babadook
In this 2014 psychological horror film, a widowed mother named Amelia, played by Essie Davis, struggles to cope with her troubled son, Samuel, who is plagued by visions of a sinister creature. Their lives take a darker turn when a mysterious pop-up book about a creature called the Babadook appears in their home, unleashing a series of terrifying events. Directed by Jennifer Kent, the film explores themes of grief and motherhood, earning critical acclaim for its atmospheric tension and emotional depth. It has been praised for its unique storytelling and strong performances, particularly by Davis. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 9
Genre: Drama, Halloween, Horror, Mystery
Director: Jennifer Kent
Actors: Barbara West, Ben Winspear, Cathy Adamek, Craig Behenna, Daniel Henshall, Essie Davis, Hachi, Hayley McElhinney, Noah Wiseman, Tim Purcell
Company: Causeway Films, Screen Australia, The South Australian Film Corporation
Worldwide Gross: $10,685,444