The Angry Birds Movie 2
In this animated sequel, the flightless birds and scheming green pigs take their feud to the next level when a new threat emerges that puts both Bird Island and Piggy Island in danger. The unlikely alliance between Red, Chuck, Bomb, and their pig counterparts leads to a series of comedic and action-packed adventures. Featuring the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, and Leslie Jones, the film delivers a vibrant and humorous experience for audiences. Directed by John Rice, this family-friendly movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: John Rice, Thurop Van Orman
Actors: Alma Versano, Anthony Padilla, Awkwafina, Beck Bennett, Bill Hader, Brooklynn Prince, Colleen Ballinger, Danny McBride, David Dobrik, Dove Cameron, Eugenio Derbez, Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban, Genesis Tennon, Jason Sudeikis, JoJo Siwa, Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, LilRel Howery, Maya Rudolph, Nicki Minaj, Pete Davidson, Peter Dinklage, Rachel Bloom, Sterling K. Brown, Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban, Tiffany Haddish, Tony Hale, Zach Woods
Country: Australia, Canada, Finland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Rovio Entertainment, Sony Pictures Animation
Worldwide Gross: $147,792,047