The Amityville Asylum
In this 2013 horror film directed by Andrew Jones, a young woman named Lisa takes a job as a cleaner at a mental institution with a dark history. As she navigates her new role, she begins to experience unsettling occurrences and uncovers the asylum’s sinister past. The film delves into themes of psychological terror and supernatural elements, creating an eerie atmosphere. While it may not have received notable awards, it offers a chilling experience for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Andrew Jones
Actors: Alan Humphreys, Eileen Daly, Ina Marie Smith, Jared Morgan, Kenton Hall, Lee Bane, Matthew Batte, Paul Kelleher, Sarah Louise Madison, Sophia Del Pizzo
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Amityville Asylum Films, Independent Moving Pictures, North Bank Entertainment