The After Party
In this 2018 comedy, aspiring rapper Owen, played by Kyle Harvey, is on the brink of giving up his dreams after a disastrous performance goes viral for all the wrong reasons. With the help of his best friend and manager, Jeff, portrayed by Harrison Holzer, they embark on a wild night in New York City to secure a record deal before Owen enlists in the military. The film features appearances by several real-life hip-hop artists, adding authenticity to its music industry backdrop. Directed by Ian Edelman, this film offers a humorous yet heartfelt look at the challenges of breaking into the music scene. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ian Edelman
Actors: Amin Joseph, Andy Buckley, Blair Underwood, Harrison Holzer, Jamie Choi, Jordan Rock, Kyle Harvey, Shelley Hennig, Stephen Rider, Teyana Taylor
Country: United States of America
Company: Electric City Entertainment, Hunting Lane Films, Live Nation Productions