The 7th Dimension
Two young women find themselves in an intriguing penthouse apartment, driven by one woman’s infatuation with her teacher. However, she discovers that he shares the space with two other computer hackers. This trio is on the brink of tackling a major heist involving the world’s most enigmatic mainframe. As they proceed, they uncover far more than they anticipated, leading to supernatural and deadly consequences. Could this seemingly trivial series of events that brought them together be seen as destiny? Is the beacon a sign of hope, or is it a tangled web of deceit, paranoia, and ultimately… murder?
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Brad Watson
Actors: Calita Rainford, Cathy Murphy, David Horton, George Nicolas, Jonathan Rhodes, Kelly Adams, Kris Tyler, Lucy Evans, Simon Thomas, Wayne Lennox
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Revolt Films