Teenage Cocktail
In this gripping drama, two high school girls, Annie and Jules, form an intense bond and embark on a risky venture to escape their mundane suburban lives. As they delve into the world of online adult entertainment, their actions lead to unforeseen consequences that test their friendship and push them to the brink. The film stars Nichole Bloom and Fabianne Therese, who deliver compelling performances that capture the complexities of teenage rebellion and desire. Directed by John Carchietta, the movie offers a raw and unflinching look at the lengths to which young people will go to find freedom. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Carchietta
Actors: AJ Bowen, Fabianne Therese, Joshua Leonard, Laura Covelli, Lou Wegner, Michelle Borth, Nichole Sakura, Pat Healy, River Alexander, Zak Henri
Country: United States of America
Company: Backup Media, Snowfort Pictures