Take Me Home Tonight
Set in the late 1980s, this comedy-drama follows the story of a recent MIT graduate, Matt Franklin, who is struggling to find his path in life. Working at a video store, Matt unexpectedly encounters his high school crush, Tori Frederking, and decides to attend a wild Labor Day party to win her over. The film features a notable cast, including Topher Grace, Anna Faris, and Dan Fogler, who bring the nostalgic era to life with humor and heart. Directed by Michael Dowse, the movie captures the essence of youthful indecision and the pursuit of dreams. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Dowse
Actors: Anna Faris, Chris Pratt, Dan Fogler, Demetri Martin, Jeanie Hackett, Lucy Punch, Michael Biehn, Michelle Trachtenberg, Teresa Palmer, Topher Grace
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Imagine Entertainment, Relativity Media, Rogue Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $7,550,073