In this psychological thriller, a young housewife named Hunter, played by Haley Bennett, finds herself trapped in a seemingly perfect life that is slowly unraveling. As she struggles with her controlling husband and in-laws, she develops a dangerous habit of swallowing inedible objects, a condition known as pica. The film, directed by Carlo Mirabella-Davis, delves into themes of control, autonomy, and mental health. It has been praised for its compelling narrative and Bennett’s standout performance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Carlo Mirabella-Davis
Actors: Austin Stowell, Babak Tafti, David Rasche, Denis O'Hare, Elizabeth Marvel, Haley Bennett, Laith Nakli, Luna Lauren Velez, Nicole Kang, Zabryna Guevara
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Charades, Logical Pictures, Stand Alone Productions
Worldwide Gross: $274,674