In this 2007 creature feature directed by Brian Clyde, a genetically engineered alligator escapes from a research facility, wreaking havoc on a small town. The film follows a group of scientists and locals as they band together to stop the monstrous reptile before it causes more destruction. Notable for its campy special effects and thrilling action sequences, the movie stars Kelly McGillis and Brad Johnson. While it didn’t receive any awards, it has gained a cult following among fans of the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror
Director: Brian Clyde
Actors: Bianca Lawson, Brad Johnson, Charles Solomon Jr., Elizabeth J. Carlisle, Jennifer Titus, John Colton, Josh Kelly, Kelly McGillis, Mary Alexandra Stiefvater, Nick Nicotera
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: New Horizons Picture, Rodeo Productions