Sunday Girl
“Sunday Girl” follows Natasha as she embarks on a mission to end her relationships with four out of her five boyfriends in just one day. Among them are Victor, a dramatic poet; Jack, a hot-tempered worker; Tom, a casual friend with benefits; and Winston, the kind-hearted one. As Natasha’s journey unfolds, we delve into her life and the people around her, gradually uncovering her true desires. This film ultimately explores the challenges and frustrations of youth and the quest for love.
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Director: Peter Ambrosio
Actors: Anthony Marble, Ashton Leigh, Brandon Stacy, Caroline Fourmy, Dasha Nekrasova, Dave Davis, Evan Holtzman, Joseph Poliquin, Lala Nestor, Morgan Roberts
Country: United States of America
Company: Crestmont Pictures, Infinite Focus