Summer of 84
In a nostalgic nod to the 1980s, this thriller follows a group of teenage friends who suspect their neighbor, a police officer, might be a serial killer. As they embark on a summer investigation, the line between adventure and danger blurs, leading to unexpected consequences. The film stars Graham Verchere, Judah Lewis, and Rich Sommer, who deliver compelling performances that capture the essence of youthful curiosity and fear. Directed by Anouk Whissell, the movie offers a suspenseful narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Halloween, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Anouk Whissell, François Simard, Yoann-Karl Whissell
Actors: Caleb Emery, Cory Gruter-Andrew, Graham Verchere, Harrison Houde, J. Alex Brinson, Jason Gray-Stanford, Judah Lewis, Rich Sommer, Tiera Skovbye, William MacDonald
Country: Canada
Company: Brightlight Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $42,027