7.5 1h 38min
Set in the bustling city of Riyadh, this groundbreaking film follows the spirited journey of a young girl who dreams of owning a bicycle, challenging societal norms in the process….
Un amour de jeunesse
6.7 1h 48min
Un amour de jeunesse
A teenager of 15 experiences the thrills and sorrows of their first romantic relationship with someone older, yet struggles to overcome the separation in the years that follow.
6.3 1h 51min
In this thought-provoking drama directed by Benedek Fliegauf, the narrative explores the complex themes of love, loss, and the ethical boundaries of cloning. The story follows Rebecca, played by Eva…
Waltz with Bashir
8.0 1h 30min
Waltz with Bashir
Much awarded animated documentary, in which director and Israeli army veteran Ari Folman interviews friends and former soldiers about their memories of the 1982 Lebanon war and especially the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Beirut. The usage on animation enabled Folman to illustrate their personal memories and dreams.