The Little Prince
7.6 1h 48min
The Little Prince
In this enchanting animated film directed by Mark Osborne, a young girl discovers the extraordinary world of a reclusive aviator who introduces her to the story of a mysterious boy…
Mune The Guardian of the Moon
7.1 1h 26min
Mune The Guardian of the Moon
In a fantastical world where the sun and moon are controlled by guardians, a young faun unexpectedly becomes the Guardian of the Moon. As chaos ensues due to his inexperience,…
Upside Down
6.3 1h 44min
Upside Down
In a visually stunning world where two planets exist in close proximity, each with its own gravitational pull, a young man named Adam, played by Jim Sturgess, embarks on a…
House Arrest
6.0 1h 20min
House Arrest
In an attempt to win over the lovely Kiki, the laid-back DJ Johnson’s scheme to present her with pilfered jewelry goes awry, resulting in a 48-hour house arrest sentence. Fortunately,…