Ghost In The Shell: The New Movie
6.6 1h 40min
Ghost In The Shell: The New Movie
In this 2015 animated film directed by Kazuchika Kise, the story unfolds in a futuristic world where cybernetic enhancements are commonplace. The plot follows Major Motoko Kusanagi and her team…
6.6 1h
In a future where technology blurs the lines between human and machine, a young woman named Kurumi struggles to cope with the loss of her beloved partner, Hal. To help…
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost
5.8 1h 24min
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost
Set in the expansive universe of the popular video game series, this animated film follows the story of Alliance Marine James Vega and his squad as they face off against…
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
5.7 1h 30min
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Set in the rich fantasy world of Thedas, this animated film follows the journey of Cassandra Pentaghast, a fierce and determined Seeker of Truth, as she uncovers a conspiracy that…