Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film follows the journey of Martin, who embarks on a quest to find his childhood friend and musical prodigy, Dovidl, who…
With magic long since lost to England, two men are destined to bring it back; the reclusive Mr. Norrell and daring novice Jonathan Strange. So begins a dangerous battle between…
In a time when magic has vanished from England, two individuals are fated to restore it: the solitary Mr. Norrell and the audacious newcomer Jonathan Strange. Thus commences a perilous…
In a time when magic has vanished from England, two individuals are fated to restore it: the solitary Mr. Norrell and the audacious newcomer Jonathan Strange. Thus commences a perilous…
In a time when magic has vanished from England, two individuals are fated to restore it: the solitary Mr. Norrell and the audacious newcomer Jonathan Strange. Thus commences a perilous…