This dramatic mini-series centers on a circle of friends from the South Sudanese community residing in Sunshine, a suburb on the fringes of Melbourne, Australia. These young men find themselves…
The narrative follows Hugh Knight, an up-and-coming heart surgeon known for his exceptional skills, charisma, and seemingly flawless nature. As a pleasure-seeker, he assumes that his extraordinary abilities allow him…
Jack Irish is a man on a journey to rebuild his life. Once a criminal lawyer whose life fell apart, he now juggles roles as a part-time investigator, debt collector,…
When history teacher Matt Bashir is elevated to the position of Principal at a notoriously violent boys’ school in the south-west of Sydney, his unconventional methods lead to clashes and…
“Australia: The Story of Us” takes viewers on an incredible exploration of the individuals, locations, and events that have influenced Australia’s development, from the earliest inhabitants to modern times. With…
Keegan Deane’s remarkable lack of tact and failure to filter his words result in him taking on legal cases that others avoid. Despite his efforts to act morally, he battles…
“Rake” is an Australian TV series created by Essential Media and Entertainment, which premiered on ABC1, part of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, in 2010. The series features Richard Roxburgh portraying…